What are the kitchen sink sizes? Common size of kitchen sink

“What is the size of the kitchen sink? 1, stainless steel kitchen sink size: stainless steel sink, is the most widely used in the current kitchen of a ….” Thank you for your attention to the small nest you carefully selected What is the size of the kitchen sink? Kitchen sinks are commonly used in the size of the article, learn to modify the channel to let you know more professional experience in decoration and home feng shui knowledge, the main contents include decoration skills, home feng shui, and interior design cases.

What are the kitchen sink sizes?

sink size

1, Stainless steel kitchen sink size: stainless steel sink, is the most widely used in the current kitchen. General stainless steel sink size is about 600 * 450mm, 500 * 400mm is the most common minimum stainless steel sink size, and the price of stainless steel sink is based on the size of the size.

2, ceramic kitchen sink size: ceramic sink looks more beautiful, but slightly inadvertently will be easy to break, and the color is relatively simple. On the whole, it seems, ceramic sinks and stainless steel sink size similar sizes, if you want to choose the ceramic sinks, may wish to select 600 * 500mm or so.

ceramic kitchen sink size

3, artificial stone kitchen sink size: artificial stone sink, because the color is more diverse, and the style is relatively new, design and workmanship are more unique, practical and aesthetic level is relatively high, so the artificial stone sink is very popular with consumers, Artificial stone sink size is generally about 880 * 480mm.

4, the kitchen sink commonly used size: From the current sink market point of view, only the stainless steel sink market is relatively strong, and most of the overall cabinet sink devices, are also made of stainless steel. According to their own living habits and the size of the kitchen table size, or choose a single slot, double slot, or three slots, but these three different sink size, sink size options are also very different, but commonly used The size of the tank is about 800 * 450mm, 920 * 460mm, 800 * 460mm, 970 * 480mm, 1030 * 500mm, 810 * 470mm, 880 * 480mm and so on.

Kitchen sinks all the size of the commonly used size, I believe we have finished reading this article for the kitchen sink size has a basic understanding, if you would like to know more decoration consulting, please click on the decoration Knowledge channel

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